
Glocal Actions「多元本色化宣教門訓計劃」是一個全面的沉浸式體驗,旨在裝備個人成為有效的跨文化宣教士。這計劃專注於靈命塑造、門徒訓練和「多元本色化」思維將全球視野與地方影響力相結合。參與者將發展對全球宣教的全面理解,同時獲得在當地社區服事的實踐技能。此計劃提供兩種形式體驗,包括海外住宿和本地混合式學習,以適應不同的學習風格和時間表。參與者將透過參與事工項目獲得寶貴的實戰經驗,並發展衝突解決和團隊建設等重要技能。

black Nikon DSLR camera beside of map compass
black Nikon DSLR camera beside of map compass
a person sitting on a couch
a person sitting on a couch


  • 屬靈塑造: 深化參與者與基督的關係,培養對全球宣教的心志。

  • 跨文化能力: 發展跨文化意識、敏感性和溝通技巧。

  • 宣教技能: 裝備參與者必備的技能,如福音傳播、門徒訓練、教會植堂和領導力。

  • 多元本色化思維: 培養整合全球視野與本色化的思維。

  • 實踐經驗: 提供在不同環境中進行實踐事工的機會。



海外集中式培訓 (9個月,全時間,自費):


a woman explaining something to a group of people
a woman explaining something to a group of people
A group of people standing in a well-lit room, appearing attentive and engaged, with some smiling and raising their fists. The setting resembles a conference or seminar, with tables, chairs, and a projector visible in the foreground. Banners with text in a foreign language are displayed on the walls.
A group of people standing in a well-lit room, appearing attentive and engaged, with some smiling and raising their fists. The setting resembles a conference or seminar, with tables, chairs, and a projector visible in the foreground. Banners with text in a foreign language are displayed on the walls.
macbook pro displaying group of people
macbook pro displaying group of people
本地混合式培訓 (2年,部份時間,津貼):


A group of people seated in a circle on a grassy area, attentively listening to a person in traditional attire. They are surrounded by rustic huts made of reeds with a bright blue sky in the background. The setting appears to be a village or cultural site, with handmade crafts displayed nearby.
A group of people seated in a circle on a grassy area, attentively listening to a person in traditional attire. They are surrounded by rustic huts made of reeds with a bright blue sky in the background. The setting appears to be a village or cultural site, with handmade crafts displayed nearby.